A long, harsh 85 minutes has gone by. The clock projected on the ceiling above Jim shows 2:00pm. His 90 minute forced workout was almost over, or was it? His attitude would soon decide that for him.
Me: “Tired?”
Boy: “I'm fucking exhausted!”
Me: “Good. Have anything to say to me?”
Boy: “I have a few things I'd like to say, but they would probably get me into trouble.”
Me: “Careful, boy. Are you ready to apologize for your arrogant attitude?”
Boy: “Come on, I'm exhausted, get me out of this!”
Me: “Hmm, that didn't sound like an apology, and it didn't sound like your safe word either.”
Boy: “Please let me out of this.”
Me: “Apology?”
Boy: “Ok, I'm sorry! Are you happy now?”